ARC is open to bold, open-minded applicants with diverse backgrounds. After all, it is not just what we do, but who we do it with. Together, we will push the boundaries of Web3 in Asia.
ARC is a place where diverse, open-minded individuals who seek to co-create a better future come together to create change.

As proof of membership, ARC uses both our Stellar NFT (priced at 3ETH) and soulbound token Fyrian (minted for free). Together, they grant entry into our inner circle and connect us as one family.
ARC App. Events. Merch. From inclusive digital spaces to exclusive experiences, our members enjoy a wide breadth of benefits.

A safe digital space for members to connect, collaborate and co-create.

ARC x Coinhako
Enjoy discounted trading fees

ARC Merchandise
Stylish merch for members to wear their pride on their sleeve, literally.

ARC x Zouk
Exclusive VIP experiences for the best nights out in town

The New Generation of Luxury

ARC x Millennium Hotels and Resorts
World-class hospitality for members to indulge in while they travel.

Experiences & Events
Plenty of opportunities to learn and have fun with fellow ARC members.

Future ARC Projects
Bold and original ideas co-created here at ARC Social Venture Studio.
Frequently Asked Questions
ARC is a members-only community connecting the most impactful and influential in the Global Asian Diaspora to contribute ideas, resources and networks towards a first-of-its-kind Social Venture Studio.
If you are anyone who wants to connect with someone in Asia, ARC is the community to go to with the human connections you need. You can gain access to a diverse network of individuals with Asian roots and form new connections in an open, reciprocal space.
With our ARC app, you’ll be able access a single, multi-functional safe space with features and exclusive content programming that will help you connect, engage and co-create with other community. As a member, you’ll also get to enjoy a whole range of experiences and perks in collaboration with our partner merchants.
We want to connect and foster a community of like-minded individuals to do things together via our first-of-its-kind Social Venture Studio. To do that, we need to bring in members that are aligned with our vision and larger purpose of driving the Web3 space in Asia forward. Most importantly, it helps us create an environment of openness and trust which enables deeper connections and richer conversations.
ARC Social Venture Studio is a way for the community to channel these connections made into the creation of purposeful value. The Social Venture Studio will use NFTs to coordinate an IP-based business model. We see it as a community-driven venture that will birth new ideas, new businesses and new IPs.
From co-creating our next NFT collection to Web3 advisory opportunities, to physical experiences that bring our members together, the possibilities are endless. We look forward to bringing these ideas to fruition together with our members.
Membership to ARC is via minting ARC Stellars at 3ETH. It is done on an invite-only basis to ensure that our community and members are curated to align with our larger purpose. To become a member, you can take the first step by filling in the web form. Your application will be processed and you will receive an invitation to mint if you have been allowlisted.
As a member, you’ll be able to connect with a community of the most impactful and influential across the Global Asian Diaspora. You will also have access and be a part of ARC's Social Venture Studio that will be used to house co-created projects from the community. Our community-first infrastructure also allows members to connect and collaborate with each other on spaces such as our private app, ARC Playgrounds (our physical spaces) and our IRL events.
ARC is open to bold, open-minded applicants with diverse backgrounds. After all, it is not just what we do, but who we do it with. Together, we will push the boundaries of Web3 in Asia.
Pyxis has evolved into a new programme where it remains a non-transferable soulbound and curation token, but holders will not automatically be a part of the ARC community moving forward and hence, will not have access to benefits from the community. With this evolution, Pyxis has been renamed to Fyrian and refreshed with a new look. All metadata and information for existing Pyxis holders have already been updated on OpenSea accordingly. The new token will continue to act as proof that an individual has gone through our curation and verification process. At the same time, by allowing the token to stand separate from the ARC ecosystem, we believe it will have much more potential to thrive in the Web3 space. As a soulbound token, it will be a dynamic one that has its metadata refreshed upon the holder’s participation in certain events, projects or activities in Web3 (unrelated to ARC). This becomes a long-term identification token for the holder’s life on the blockchain. We believe that this is a simpler, cleaner and better-designed user experience that will be of value to holders of Fyrian.
Fyrian is a soulbound token that can only be minted after you successfully complete the process of curation. As a dynamic token, its long term vision is to act as a companion to your Web3 journey and will transform over time as you explore, enter and engage with different communities and projects. Fyrian’s metadata will be refreshed in accordance with these activities to act as a proof of your participation and contribution on the blockchain. Fyrian is a non-transferable NFT that is minted for free. It cannot be purchased or resold anywhere.
There will be a new website (with the launch date to be announced) for people who are interested to mint Fyrian as a soulbound token on its own. People who would like to join the ARC community will need to complete the web form on in order to be verified and be allowlisted to mint both the ARC Stellar NFT as well as Fyrian.
ARC Stellars is our membership NFT that will grant you access and benefits to the ARC community, together with our curation token. As a member that holds both ARC Stellars and our curation token, you'll be able to enjoy:
Access to connections within the community Access to our private app where you'll get to connect and collaborate with the community Access to ARC Playgrounds (IRL spaces) Be a part of a first-of-its-kind Social Venture Studio 1x free mint of ARC's first co-created project If you purchased ARC Stellars on the secondary market, you will have to fill out an application via our web form to be allowlisted to mint our curation token, to access all the benefits for community members. As an ARC Stellar holder, your application will be expedited for review.
As a member, you’ll be able to connect with a community of the most impactful and influential across the Global Asian Diaspora. You will also have access and be a part of ARC's Social Venture Studio that will be used to house co-created projects from the community. Our community-first infrastructure also allows members to connect and collaborate with each other on spaces such as our private app, ARC Playgrounds (our physical spaces) and our IRL events.
The ARC Stellars is a transferable, ERC721 token standard. Once you receive the token in your wallet, you will be able to transfer it to a different wallet as well as trade it on the secondary market.
ARC Stellars is a limited collection of 1,688 Stellars priced at 3ETH each so that we can onboard a curated group of Founding Members to help co-build the ARC experience. The artwork is unique to this Founding Members’ collection! 1,688 is the MAXIMUM THRESHOLD we are willing to allow as we accounted for factors like user experience on the ARC app. Our bigger goal is to ensure we curate a strong and engaged base community of founding members. 188 ARC Stellars will be reserved for marketing purposes, community initiatives and our Treasury with the remaining 1,500 to be minted on a 100% invite-only basis.
ARC Stellar is priced at 3ETH each, non-inclusive of gas fees.
We offer two convenient modes of payment - ETH (Ethereum) or Credit Card. For payment by Credit Card, the mint price of 3ETH and gas fees will be converted into SGD or USD currency (based on your choice) and charged to your card and your Stellar will be airdropped to your MetaMask wallet after payment. Please note that for minting through Android devices, you will need to access our minting page via your MetaMask mobile app. Find out how.
People who are new to ARC and are interested to apply to become a Stellar can go through our new web form (that will be available from 28 April onwards) in order to be verified and be allowlisted to mint the ARC Stellar NFT as well as Fyrian, our curation and soulbound token. After submitting the web form, you'll receive an email invitation to mint ARC Stellars if you are allowlisted.
You will only be able to mint one ARC Stellar for each allowlist spot.
Congratulations on becoming an ARC Stellar holder! You will be able to access the complete suite of benefits for members. Download our ARC app on the App Store or Google Play Store to gain access to exclusive content, and to be kept updated on any news and announcements of experiences or meet-ups happening soon!
Only applicants who have filled out our application form and allowlisted will be able to mint it! If you have yet to do so, you can check out our web form. You are more likely to be invited to mint ARC Stellars if you have demonstrated how you’ll be able to bring value to the community via your resources, skill sets, ideas or networks. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are a Fyrian holder and you are keen to mint ARC Stellars but have not been allowlisted yet. We will review your interest on a case-by-case basis.
Invitations to mint ARC Stellars will be sent out on an ongoing basis. You will be informed via email by [email protected] as soon as you’ve been allowlisted. Hence, please be patient. In the meantime, do ensure you have added [email protected] to your email provider’s ‘Safe Senders’ list! Stay tuned to our Twitter and Instagram @ARCtheCommunity for information about allowlisting.
In order to ensure a fair process for all individuals who have been allowlisted for ARC Stellars, we strongly recommend that you mint / secure your ARC Stellar based on the timeline that was shared with you via email. If you’ve missed the window for minting or securing your spot to get ARC Stellar, you can make an appeal by emailing the details and screenshots of your problem to [email protected] and we will get in touch. Appeals will be reviewed and granted on a case-by-case basis.
ARC Stellars will not be available for minting by the general public. The minting of ARC Stellars will be carried out on a 100% invite-only basis and minting will be done gradually on an ongoing basis. However, it is currently available on the secondary market.
Thank you for indicating your interest to become a Stellar! Our team will review your application and you will then receive an email invitation to mint if you have been allowlisted.
Coupled with our curation token, you will be able to unlock collaboration and co-creation opportunities with the community. Register your interest for the curation token and fill out a quick application via our web form. As an ARC Stellar holder, your application will be expedited for review. Once your application has been approved, our team will get in touch with you on how you can mint Fyrian, our free curation and soulbound token.
Unlike many other NFT projects and communities with roadmaps that promise utility post-mint, ARC has already designed and built utility for our members that will be ready upon minting. This includes our private app which has already been launched and partners who have been onboarded prior to minting. Ultimately, we envision a thriving community that will be actively co-creating with us on ARC projects through our Social Venture Studio as well as on shaping ongoing real-world utility like the ARC app, ARC Playgrounds and our ARC x Brands experiences with our partners.
At ARC, we are always seeking to unleash the potential of the community through what we do. Funds that are raised from the sales of ARC Stellars will be used to support the members in coming together to connect, collaborate and co-create.
For now, ARC Stellars is only available on the Ethereum blockchain.
Yes, ARC Stellars will be available to trade on the secondary market.
As they say, “good things come to those who wait”. All shall be revealed when the minting of ARC Stellars is complete. 👀
For security reasons, if there is a movement of your Stellar from your main wallet, we will send you an email asking you to verify if the movement of Stellar was done by you. If you’ve moved your Stellar to your cold wallet, there is no change in your status and access as an ARC Stellar member. If there are any future movements or transactions of your ARC Stellar from your cold wallet, please let us know via [email protected].
Once you’ve sold your Stellar, you would no longer be an ARC Stellar member. This means: You will no longer receive Stellars-only communications You will no longer have access to the members-only app You will no longer have access to Stellars’ membership benefits and privileges, such as access to ARC Playgrounds
Do check your wallet and ensure there has not been a movement of your Stellar. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Congratulations on minting Stellars! Join fellow Stellars on our private app that can be downloaded on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
The ARC app was designed to be a single, multi-functional, safe virtual space for members to bring ideas, make ambitious plans and collaborate with others, 24/7.
For all media inquiries, kindly email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you may download relevant media assets here. ARC has been covered by Bloomberg, Vulcanpost and Forbes over multiple occasions here, and here.
Only people who have filled out our application form and have been allowlisted will be able to mint ARC Stellars! If you have yet to do so, you can check out our web form here.
At ARC, we’re looking for community-minded individuals who can value-add to the collective, so do take the time to share that information with us in the open-ended questions on the webform!
Only applicants who have received an email notifying them that they have been allowlisted will be able to mint Stellars.
If you have received the notification email but was not able to connect your wallet, do ensure that you have connected the right wallet address. If you’re still having issues, do send us an email with a description of the problem, along with your wallet address and a screenshot of the error page to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.